BIRTHDAY GIRL's mission is to celebrate life and save lives. Please join us during suicide prevention month in September to help spread the message and save lives
- September 10th: World Suicide Prevention Day – Tweet/Facebook/IG a special quote or tribute about suicide prevention to raise awareness. #celebratelife #savealife #suicidepreventionday
- September 7th – September 13th: Purchase a Celebrate Life Tee to wear on this week, take a picture in your tee and show you support suicide prevention. 100% of proceeds benefit suicide prevention. Buy Nnow >>
- September 1st – October 5th: Bid on Birthday Girl’s EXCLUSIVE Celebrate Life, Save a Life Auction Items on Famous Yard Sale – 100% of proceeds go to Suicide Prevention Programs
- October 4th: Out of Darkness Walk in Lowell, MA – with special guest speaker Starshell. Register to Walk here:!